Dear Jiri Sgall Dear Fabrizo Grandoni I am writing regarding your submission to the Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 'Online competitive algorithms for maximizing weighted throughput of unit jobs', JDA 04-62. I am attaching two referee reports that we have received on your paper which the editors have considered. I am pleased to say your paper has been accepted, subject to the modifications suggested by the referee. Please send us a .pdf and electronic source file of the revised paper which we will forward to Elsevier who will prepare it for publication. Sincerely, Jane Spurr ==================== Paper#: 4-62 Title: Online Competitive Algorithms for Maximizing Weighted Throughput of Unit Jobs An online buffer management problem that arises in networks supporting Quality-of-Service (QoS) applications is considered. Packets with different QoS values arrive at a network switch and are to be sent along an outgoing link. Due to overloading conditions, some packets have to be dropped. The objective is to maximize the total value of packets that are sent. This is modeled as an online unit-job scheduling problem, where each job is specified by its release time, deadline, and a non-negative weight (QoS value). The goal is to maximize the weighted throughput, that is the total weight of scheduled jobs. They present several competitive online algorithms for various versions of this problem, as well as some lower bounds on the competitive ratio. The most interesting result is the randomized algorithm RMIX with competitive ratio e/(e-1) = 1.582. This algorithm and its analysis is simple and elegant. However, it is based on known techniques. The best known previous result is a deterministic algorithm in [1] with competitive ratio 1.94. In the randomized case, the best known lower bound on the competitive ratio is 1.25. In addition, they present a de-randomized version of RMIX. For this deterministic version a more general model is needed. In detail, the outgoing link has bandwidth m, i.e., it can send m packets at a time. In this case, the de-randomized deterministic algorithm achieves a competitive ratio of 1/(1-(m/(m+1))^m). When m \to \infty, the competitive ratio tends to e/(e-1). The remaining part of the paper deals with special cases of the problem. First, they consider s-bounded instances, where the span of each job (deadline minus release time) is at most s. For 2-bounded instances, they give a randomized algorithm with competitive ratio 1.25, matching a known lower bound. The algorithm is simple, but its analysis is technical and uses standard techniques. In addition, they present a deterministic algorithm which can be seen as a deterministic version of RMIX. For 3-bounded instances, this algorithm achieves a competitive ratio of \phi = 1.618, matching a known lower bound. In general, for s-bounded instances, the algorithm achieves a competitive ratio of 2-2/s+o(1/s). Again, the algorithm is simple, but its analysis - in particular in the general case - is technical and uses standard techniques. Finally, they present lower bounds on the competitive ratio for s-uniform instances, where the span of each job is exactly s. For randomized algorithms, they prove a lower bound that is increasing with s from 4-2\sqrt{2} = 1.172, for s = 2, to 1.25, for large s. In the deterministic case, they prove a lower bound of \sqrt{2} = 1.414 on memoryless algorithms for 2-uniform instances. The paper is very well written and it is easy to read (see the following very short list for improvements). - Page 9: I would suggest a colon at the end of line 6 and no period at the end of line 7 and 8. - Page 9, algorithm EDF: Remark that h is the heaviest pending job. - Page 12, line 5: Since j is scheduled by EDF in E ... - Page 19: Reference [13] is incomplete. I think the studied model is very interesting. One one hand it is simple and clear and on the other hand it has applications in networks supporting QoS applications. The presented results are solid, but there is no general result matching a lower bound. Most of the used techniques are standard. I would vote for a weak acceptation of this paper as it is. But I would recommend to incorporate the results of paper [1] (the authors of paper [1] are a subset of this paper) in this paper. Then, a complete overview on current results in this topic would be given and I would recommend an acceptation. References [1] M. Chrobak, W. Jawor, J. Sgall, and T. Tichy. Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches. In Proc. of the 12th ESA, 2004. ====================