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Application/Prihlaska: | [prihlaska.pdf] |
Archive: | [tichy-thesis-archive.zip] |
This thesis presents results of our research in the area of optimization problems with incomplete information-our research is focused on the online scheduling problems. Our research is based on the worst-case analysis of studied problems and algorithms; thus we use methods of the competitive analysis during our research. Althrough there are many "real-world" industrial and theoretical applications of the online scheduling problems there are still so many open problems with so simple description. Therefore it is important, interesting and also challenging to study the online scheduling problems and their simplified variants as well. In this thesis we have shown the following our results of our research on the online scheduling problems:
We present also some other results related to studied problems that are products of a joint work with other researchers. |
Práce prezentuje výsledky našeho výzkumu v oblasti optimalizačních problémů s neúplnou informací-náš výzkum je zaměřený na online rozvrhovací problémy. Náš výzkum je založený na principu analýzy nejhorších případů ve studovaných problémech a algoritmech, tedy v našem výzkumu používáme metody kompetitivní analýzy. Mnoho online rozvrhovacích problémů, které mají "realné" průmyslové či teoretické aplikace, jsou stále nevyřešené ačkoliv mají tak jednoduchý popis problému. Proto je tak důležité, zajímavé a vyzývavé studium online rozvrhovacích problémů a zrovna tak jejich zjednodušených variant. V disertační práci jsme dokázali následující výsledky našeho výzkumu online rozvrhovacích problémů:
V práci prezentujeme i několik dalších výsledků výzkumu studovaných problémů, které jsou výsledkem společného výzkumu s kolegy. |
Extended abstract: | [abstract.pdf] |
Thesis: | [thesis.pdf] |
List of citations (at the time of the defence) | [citations.pdf] |
Curriculum vitae | English version [cv.html], Czech version [cv-czech.html] |
Review of Jiří Sgall (advisor) | [review-sgall.pdf] |
Review of Rob van Stee (referee) | [review-vanstee.pdf] |
Review of Petr Kolman (referee) | [review-kolman.pdf] |
M. Chrobak, W. Jawor, J. Sgall, T. Tichý: Online Scheduling of Equal-Length Jobs: Randomization and Restarts Help. SIAM Journal of Computing, 36(6):1709-1728, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. of the 31st Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3142, pages 358-370, Springer, 2004. |
Paper: | [eqjobs.pdf] |
Reviews: | [eqjobs-review1.pdf], [eqjobs-review2.pdf] |
F. Y. L. Chin, M. Chrobak, S. P. Y. Fung, W. Jawor, J. Sgall,
T. Tichý: Online competitive algorithms for maximizing weighted throughput of unit jobs. J. of Discrete Algorithms, 4(2):255-276, 2006. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. of the 21st Ann. Symp. on Theor. Aspects of Comput. Sci. (STACS) , Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., pages 187-198. Springer, 2004; authors included also Y. Bartal and R. Lavi. |
Paper: | [unitjobs.pdf] |
Reviews: | [unitjobs-review1.pdf], [unitjobs-review2.txt] |
M. Chrobak, W. Jawor, J. Sgall, T. Tichý: Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches. ACM Trans. on Algorithms, 4(3):Article No. 50, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. of the 12th European Symp. on Algorithms (ESA), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3221, pages 204-215, Springer, 2004. |
Paper: | [improved.pdf] |
Review: | [improved-review1.txt] |
M. Chrobak, L. Epstein, J. Noga, J. Sgall, R. van Stee, T. Tichý, N. Vakhania: Preemptive scheduling in overloaded systems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 67(1):183-197, 2003. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. of the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2380, pages 800-811, Springer, 2002. |
Paper: | [ddln.pdf] |
D. Král, T. Tichý, J. Sgall: Randomized Strategies for the Plurality Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics,156(17):3155-3338, 2008. |
T. Tichý: Randomized Online Scheduling on 3 Processors. Operation Research Letters, 32 (2) 152-158, 2004. |
D. Král, V. Majerech, T. Tichý, J. Sgall, G. J. Woeginger: It is tough to be a plumber Theoretical Comput. Sci., 313(3):473-484, 2004. |
T. Tichý: Multiprocessor Randomized Online Scheduling. ITI Series 2002-069, Charles University, Prague, 2002. |
T. Tichý: A Lower Bound for Restricted Randomized Online Algorithms for Scheduling. Proceedings of the Week for Doctoral Students 2002. Praha, MATFYZPRESS 21-26, 2002. |